In a detailed blog post by Patrick Faller, Adobe’s principal designer, Khoi Vinh, says his recent visit to DesignUp has assured him the next generation of UX designers are devoted to excellence, and he is confident the quality of digital design in the country will soon rival that of other markets.
With an incredibly diverse population of more than 1.3 billion people, it’s safe to say India has its own unique opportunities in the world of digital products. In many ways, it is the new frontier of UX design — with a hungry, driven group of new UX designers ready to find unique solutions to local and global problems.
The diversity works in their favour because everyone is incentivised to speak this ‘global language of business’ and it really gives them a leg up because it allows them to become partners to companies based in North America and Europe, but allows them to bring their vast domestic market
So what are the key tips for doing ‘good’ Ux work in India? Here’s the original article from the Adobe Blog by Patrick Faller.