Of all the social channels we’re on (it’s @DesignUpConf across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), Twitter is where we are most active—and many of our attendees engage via. On the day before the conference on Nov 9, we had started trending on Twitter and by late afternoon of November 10, Day 1, we were at No 2. So here’s a sneak peek of some of the most popular tweets – and those that sum up the conference and many events leading upto it. And beyond…
Within 90 seconds of the Super Early Bird tickets going on sale – the DesignUp site crashed. Other less dramatic events leading up to the main conference included 3 pre-events across Pune and Bangalore…
Early Start, Conference Day 01
People beat the queues, came in early—for croissants, coffee and conversations—and to contribute to our many question boards.
Before the first tea break, Narayan tells me we have crossed 560 attendees—and that my twitter seems to be on a different timezone…
Talks, workshops and more: Conference Day 1 & 2
Our stellar speakers and panellists have been enthralling, provocative, thoughtful. Looking at our twitter feed, it’s a long list of favourites – everyone has a favourite quote, a pic, and a collection of favourite talks, panels!
And naturally they inspire varied sketch notes…
One of our speakers has also gone on to sketch out and record his presentation: “what’s your ikigai” asks Sajith…
And we remembered MP Ranjan – my mentor and a mentor to countless students and professionals. Ranjan’s untimely death had shaken the Indian design community and collectively we moved to commemorate Nov 9 (Ranjan’s birthday) as the Design Guru Day, starting 2017.
Alysha Naples reminded us that we’re all connected…
Between the talks there’s food, desserts and Data Jalebis…
Post lunch it was time for workshops…
It’s a wrap…
The conference kit—stickers and chocolates (and more) found their fans…
And, as Jayawant Tewari reminded us: feedback is truly a gift. Thanks for being a wonderfully engaged audience…
And it’s time for reboot: DesignUp Reboot in 2018—have you got your exclusive invite? Plus, there’ll be a series of pre-events and then the main conference. Here’s the recap from 2017 and let’s keep the conversation going in 2018 🙂

Jay, abbreviated to JD, is a Design thinker, doer, evangelist and speaker. Formerly Head of Design for Adobe India and Flipkart, he is currently the SVP of Ux for the GoMMT Group and is the Founder/Curator of DesignUp