In the first post on DesignUp 2019 takeaways, Madan Rao says the conference "frames opportunities for design leaders in business" and "offers a wealth of frameworks, case studies, and tips for designers at the forefront of the creative economy." Read More
In a pre-cursor to the DUp19 Festival, LiveMint took a bird's eye view of the Festival "at the intersection of Design and Technology" putting the spotlight on interesting speakers, tracks and off-beat themes like Craft, Design, Data - and "pièce de résistance - a large-scale exhibit by Japanese digital artist Takuma Nakata" Read More
So says THC, diving behind the scenes into the making of another edtion of DUp, our 1st Festival and an event at a scale that presents a whole new set of challenges. So how do we stay sane, do our day jobs and juggle with a Festival? Read More
Illustration: Janaki Syam The reflections here were spurred on by a discussion I participated in with the founders of Elephant... Read More
In his second YourStory post on DUp19, Madan says the Festival "raised the bar of excellence for the design community - from inner reflection to broader engagement, the annual conference rallied the designer community to explore new ground in a world of digital opportunity and challenges" Read More
DUp19 wasn't just the India Festival: in June we had our Asia conference with over 250 attendees in Singapore. Weiman Kow beautifully captured some key takeaways and insights from the multiple speakers via her amazing sketchnotes (she was a DUp Fest scholar in Nov). Read More
Over 1350 attendees & 800+ visitors came to DUp19, which expanded to include Exhibits, Installations, Studio-visits and Stores - besides Masterclasses, Workshops, Panels, Keynotes and talks. A look-back at the 70+ speakers and multiple sessions that made the Festival special Read More