Refund of Tickets and Passes
Unfortunately we cannot refund tickets or passes—but you can transfer your tickets to a friend or colleague. Usually our passes get sold out with longer wait lists – so someone is always willing to take it off your hands.
Transfer of Tickets and Passes
You can transfer right upto 24 hours before the event. Within 24 hours of the event, we’ll try and accommodate but we cannot guarantee as we get completely busy with the event logistics. You have to email us (from the registered email) and let us know the details of the person who you’re transferring it to. Please ask the person to carry a printout of the email as well on the day of the event. Restrictions apply on certain pass types like DesignUp School Alumni and Student passes.
Cancellations & Changes
In the unlikely event of date change or cancellation of the event the value of your passes will be deducted from the tickets for the next event.